Wednesday, May 11, 2005

My heart aches.

I just finished reading a book a friend recommended. I've always loved reading and now I found someone who loves it as much as I do, plus she has this art for recommending some books I actually like.
At first I was kinda reluctant to read it. It's a big 422-page book! With tiny print! Besides, I was already behind in reading another one and I am not the kind of person who likes to read two books at the same time (I like to give everything my complete and utter attention).
Anyways, finally last week I picked up the book. At first it was very good, but the past couple of days I haven't been able to get away from it. It's excellent!
The book is about a 13 year old who files suit for medical emancipation from her parents. The thing is she was genetically made to be a perfect donor for her older sister, who has leukemia and is dying from kidney failure. I won't go into further details because then I'd be giving you a peek into the book, but let me just say that reading the last couple of pages was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a while.
I had never before in my life cried while reading a book. Never. Ever. I just had to go to the bathroom to retouch my makeup 'cause I was sobbing uncontrollably. That's the type of book it is.
If you have the time, do read it. And be prepared.


annush said...

i am glad you liked it :)

Bracuta said...

"Liked" is an understatement. I loved it! (crying again)

Anonymous said...

What is the name of the book?
Thank you.

Bracuta said...

I posted the link so you can see the book....

Anonymous said...

Where is the link? Can't find it

Bracuta said...

The pic in the post...

Copy/paste the one here...