Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The more I think about it...

My cousin Pily had been fat all of her life. Mind you, she's a 6 foot tall blue-eyed blonde of Yugoslavian ascent (my godfather, who was also my dad's lifetime associate, fought alongside General Tito and after the war ended up in DR), so she had always been a beauty, but she was almost 200 lbs. overweight.
A few months ago she decided to undergo Gastric Bypass Surgery. I saw her a couple of weeks after that and was amazed at the fact that she was picking up her kids at school. I had heard so many bad things about the surgery, yet there was my cousin going on with her life after just 2 weeks.
Tonight I saw her again. She has lost 107 lbs. so far. 107 pounds! Javier's not even 107 pounds! That's like a whole person!
She is a totally different person. And she is happy; happier than I have ever seen her before (and she has always been the happy type).
I need to make myself some money fast! I wanna be as happy as she is today!