Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Monday, August 30, 2004
True horror stories
She’s just 15 years old.
It could have happened to me. I go to that club. I was out on the streets that night. I went by the club. It could have happened to my niece. She was there with her that night. My niece’s boyfriend is the girl’s best friend. He was going to take her home but decided to stay little longer.
A friend of mine was crossing the street with her 6 year old boy to get to a family oriented activity. A biker crashed into her, making her fly in the air and breaking her leg in various places (the bones went through her skin). She landed face down, hurting her face in many places. We presume he wanted to take her purse.
A co-worker left her house to pick up her mother. When she got home, thieves had broken into her place and taken everything they could carry with them. She was mugged 2 months ago while walking home. She had to be hospitalized because the muggers didn’t only snap her purse, but beat her in the head with some object.
A friend of a friend went to get in his car and noticed someone had burst his front wheels with nails. I don’t want to think what they wanted to do to him.
It would be perfect if we could erase certain things from our memory.
They will pay.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Guess where I'm posting from?
My brother's!!!! I love this wireless thingie! He lives downstairs from me and I still have a strong signal! Mind you, in the DR the buildings are made out concrete (not like in the US, where the houses are made out of cardboard).
I rule!
Catch me, I'm fallin'...
photo by: bracuta
By the way, this is the entrance to Steak House Cafe, the place where I usually spend my Friday evenings.
Friday, August 27, 2004
Paul Hamm's Gold - Sports News Article | Reuters.com
You can do it!
Felix Sanchez of Dominican Republic competes next to Naman Keita of France (L), Danny McFarlane of Jamaica (2ndR) and James Carter of USA (R) in the men's 400 metre hurdle final, at the Olympic Olympic Stadium in the Sports Complex in Athens, on 26/08/2004 © GETTY IMAGES/Robert Laberge
Run, Super Sanchez, run!
Felix Sanchez of Dominican Republic competes next to Bennie Brazell of USA (L) Naman Keita of France (2ndL), Danny McFarlane of Jamaica (2ndR) and James Carter of USA (R) in the men's 400 metre hurdle final, at the Olympic Olympic Stadium in the Sports Complex in Athens, on 26/08/2004 © GETTY IMAGES/Clive Brunskill
Olympic Winner and World Champion!
Our first ever Gold medalist proudly carries the Dominican Flag on his shoulders. You flew, Super Sanchez!
The winners
Gold medalist Felix Sanchez of Dominican Republic, silver medalist Danny McFarlane of Jamaica (L) and bronze medalist Naman Keita of France celebrate on the podium during the medal ceremony of the men's 400 metre hurdle event, at the Olympic Olympic Stadium in the Sports Complex in Athens, on 26/08/2004 © GETTY IMAGES/Stuart Hannagan
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Golden Super Sanchez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Men's 400 Mt. Hurdles
Yes!!! First Gold Medal for the DR in Olympic History!
We knew you could do it!
My new camera phone!
Cassiopeia A
This image shows Cassiopeia A in the most detailed image ever made of the remains of an exploded star. The colors represent different ranges of X-rays with red, green, and blue representing, low, medium, and higher X-ray energies of the supernova remnant. The one million second image shows a bright outer ring (green) ten light years in diameter that marks the location of a shock wave generated by the supernova explosion. A large jet-like structure that protrudes beyond the shock wave can be seen in the upper left. Chandra was launched July 23, 1999, aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. The data for this new Cassiopeia A image were obtained by Chandra's Advanced Charged Coupled Device Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) instrument during the first half of 2004. (EDITORIAL USE ONLY) REUTERS/NASA (news - web sites)/CXC/GSFC/U.Hwang et al./HO
Activision sues Viacom over lack of decent Star Trek
I concurr. We need more Star Trek! It would make the world a better place!
The Google Browser (kottke.org)
This is why I want to buy Google stock. They never stop going further.
Cat Owner's Prayer
Sent by my friend Limary (because she knows I love my babies):
Because I'm only human,
It's sometimes hard to be
The wise, all-knowing creature
That my cat expects of me.
And so I pray for special help
To somehow understand
The subtle implications
Of each proud meowed command.
Oh, let me not forget that chairs
Were put on earth to shred;
And what I like to call a lap
Is actually a bed.
I know it's really lots to ask
But please, oh please, take pity;
And though I'm only human,
Make me worthy of my kitty!
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Sanchez the fastest...
You'll see how fast he goes on Thursday.
Yes, I am full of Dominican pride!
The 2nd Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest
The 2nd Annual Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest
I'll enter. Who knows, maybe I'll end up being a semi finalist.
Just received the call from the computer shop. My little napping accident is going to cost me RD$3,800.00 (around US$95.00). Apparently when the iBook hit the floor something happened to the video card. This is not including labor (which I believe will raise costs up to RD$7,000.00 (around US$175.00) because of the hd and airport card installation).
And I don't even remember what I was dreaming of...
Super Sanchez flies!
Monday, August 23, 2004
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Clear head.
Out with the old, in with the new.
There's still a long road ahead.
Some people have it worse, and yet they never let go.
And that's that...
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Life is s__t
We eat s__t.
The animals we eat are fed with grass. Grass grows better when treated with manure (s__t). Therefore, we eat s__t.
If you don't eat meat, you must eat vegetables. Again treated with manure. We eat s__t.
Moreover, animals and plants need water to survive. When we flush the toilet, all of that goes to seas and rivers (or treatment plants). There it evaporates and goes up to the atmosphere. It forms clouds, which in return make rain. Rain falls and wets the plants (which we eat) and serves as water for the animals (which we eat) and for us. We eat s__t.
When we die, we are eaten by bugs. They defecate us. We are s__t.
Wonder what happens in your bathroom when you flush the toilet? All the little s__t particles fly from the toilet and end up in everything you have lying around: comb, clothes, towels... TOOTH BRUSH...
We are definitely s__t...
(Yes, I know I am in a very gloomy mood. Sorry, can't help it.)
El power supply de la cámara ya lo compré, pero no me ha llegado...
El tipo no me quiere, ese no se puede reponer. Es a él a quien quiero a mi lado, no a otro, pero el cariño no se puede forzar...
La computadora la llevo a arreglar el Lunes, para que me resuelvan lo de la pantalla...
La luz se acaba de ir, la planta la apagan a las 2:00 am...
Tengo una gotera justo sobre mi carro que me lo está manchando...
Tengo 3 días con dolor de cabeza...
Wanda Rijo no calificó...
Las mujeres del volleyball perdieron...
Te sigo contando mis pesares? No acabaría hoy.
Sí, sé que estoy negativa, pero mis circunstancias no me ayudan...
Respirando a medias.... con este calor es insoportable...
More movies
The Cooler
A very cool movie. A love story, with drama and cruelty. Like a chick flick, but with action.
Kill Bill Vol. 2
A must see! I saw it 2 times in a roll! I am now officially a Tarantino Fan! GIRL POWER!
Dude, chick? Who are you? Why do you keep posting as anonymous?
Such should be my luck...
My camera's power supply bursted...
I am alone again...
I finally decided to go wireless and bought all the paraphernalia involved with it. My iBook's battery had been dead for a couple of months, so I bought a new one, also bought a couple of airport cards and a wireless router, and last night I fell asleep with the iBook on my lap. Guess what happened? Yes, it fell on the floor and now the monitor has apparently cought a cold and is continually shaking.
Could it get any worse?
Friday, August 20, 2004
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Wanda Rijo ruled!
Women's 75kg Group B
Panamerican Gold Medalist Wanda Rijo (DR) did an excellent job today! Keep up the good work girl!
Summer2004 Weightlifting Google
This one is very special today. Dominican Wanda Rijo finished 2nd. in her weightlifting B Group tryouts today. Dominican pride!
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
CNN.com - Fernandez returns to Dominican presidency - Aug 16/2004
CNN.com - Fernandez returns to Dominican presidency - Aug 16%2C 2004
We made the news again. Hopefuly, this time it will be for all the good reasons. I just hope he does something to raise us from this hole we're living in.
Monday, August 16, 2004
Movie Weekend
The Butterfly Effect
I really liked this movie. It had something to do with Ashton Kutcher starting in it and the fact that I love the whole time-travelling idea.
Man! Lindsay Lohan has really grown up! I remember her as a brat (or two?) in that "Parent Trap" remake. I love chick flicks, but I think this was a weird movie (don't ask me why, I just had that feeling).
Put Matt Damon and Gerg Kinear in a film and what do you get? A box office hit? Nope. Not this time. It was fun to watch, but it got slow in some parts.
I thought I was going to see a chick flick that would make me forget all about stress and blackouts, but it turned out to be something else. I just didn't get the whole idea of the movie. Romantic comedy? Where's the comedy? It did hit something in me though, but I guess it was just because I was recently in Paris.
I'm sorry, but I'm a sucker for all things Disney and CGI, so I have to say I had a great time watching this film. I've been to both rides (LA's Disneyland and Orlando's Disney World's) and I loved to see the story behind all of it. Beware, though. It's not that much of a kid's film. I wanted my 7-year-old niece Camila to watch it with me, but thank God she had to have dinner. Those special effects were too strong for her. Her mom as not a fan of nightmares, and she was sure going to get some.
Blood, sweat and tears...
Dominicanos! E' Pa'lante que vamos!
I can sense Felix Sanchez will win Gold...
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Bye bye Hipólito!
As a farewell gift, the outgoing government has only given us 15 hours of blackouts today! It's been a long time since we've had so much electricity... wonder what they're up to...
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Sleepless in Santo Domingo...
This is what it feels like. Check out the time...
You didn't even say no (I wanted you to)...
And I feel horrible...
Friday, August 13, 2004
ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games
ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games
Hopa! The DR will be participating in the Olympic Games. All throughout olympic history, we have only won one medal. It was won in boxing by Pedro Julio Nolasco in LA's 1984 olympics. We have hopes to win a Gold Medal with Félix Sánchez running the 400 meters. I'll keep you updated on the results.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
MSNBC - Catch a four-star meteor show
MSNBC - Catch a four-star meteor show
A saw a shooting star Sunday night (maybe it was connected to this?). Anyways, I'll try to stay up and watch this (or get up early in the morning).
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Hollywood fantasy? Tidal wave disaster is just waiting to happen
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Hollywood fantasy? Tidal wave disaster is just waiting to happen
With our luck, I bet we will be the first to go.
A religious golf joke.
So many interesting things derive from blogs...
I'll be following this one...
Monday, August 09, 2004
Former VP Peynado dies in Miami
::: Revista del MFD 2004 :::
::: Revista del MFD 2004 :::
My buddy Claudia Cordero participated this year. Scroll dow to the bottom of the page. Dominican talent!
I love the DR!
Me quejo mucho, pero quiero a mi país.
Esto me lo envió doña D. Lo comparto con todos aquellos que están igual de agobiados que yo con la situación actual.
La calidad de la vida es directamente proporcional a la calidad de los pensamientos.
La nación dominicana está triste. Pareciera que por los desastres de la naturaleza, por la constante crisis económica, el desastre energético, la repugnante clase política y una aparentemente interminable lista de males, el Apocalipsis quisqueyano está cerca.
No hay que abundar en la perenne queja, la decepción y la frustración que muchas veces nos abate.
La falta de esperanza, un futuro incierto, oscuro y a veces aterrador hacen que echemos a menos la tierra que nos vio nacer.
Uno de nuestros grandes defectos es denostar lo nuestro y echar loas a lo foráneo. Caemos en el craso error de compararnos con otros países. Cada país es diferente.
Por muchísimas razones el punto de referencia es Estados Unidos. Me pregunto yo si acaso hay algún país que pueda compararse con Estados Unidos. Los que territorialmente pueden hacerlo, no lo pueden desde el punto de vista del desarrollo. Obvio. Nosotros tampoco.
No tenemos las langostas de Maine, pero tenemos los camarones de Sánchez; no tenemos el trigo de Kansas, pero tenemos los arrozales de la San Francisco de Macorís; no tenemos las papas de Idaho, pero tenemos la yuca de Moca y los plátanos de Barahona; no tenemos la cocina exótica europea, pero tenemos nuestro sazón del medio del Caribe; no tenemos los Kiwis de Nueva Zelandia, pero tenemos guayabas por todas partes. Somos los de los mangos y del dulce de leche de Baní, las tortas de Pimentel, los chicharrones de Villa Mella, los pasteles en hoja de San Cristóbal, el mabí del Seibo, los hojaldres y rosquetes del Santo Cerro.
Aquí no cae nieve, pero tampoco la necesitamos. Dios nos ha bendecido con un sol precioso, un cielo como ningún otro y unos paisajes que no los apreciamos hasta que dejamos de verlos.
No tenemos los vinos de Francia, porque naturalmente no somos franceses, y este clima no es para ese tipo de cultivo. Y si así fuera, José Martí, el apóstol de la independencia cubana llegó a decir que "nuestro vino es agrio, pero es nuestro vino".
Tenemos ron. Todos quieren tomar cerveza Presidente. Cigarros dominicanos. Bailar merengue. Contratar peloteros dominicanos. Hay quienes han dado más jonrones que Sammy Sosa, pero ninguno tiene el carisma del criollo.
¿Acaso no pudieran las pupilas asombrarse al ver un amanecer en la bahía de Samaná y la hermosísima vista de esta misma bahía cuando se va para Las Terrenas? Los campos del Cibao con la agricultura variada, las palmeras, la pródiga tierra, las casitas multicolores, la generosidad de los campesinos.
Las dunas de Salinas en Baní, la costa de Barahona y Pedernales, las interminables playas del este llenas de cocoteros.
¿Hay acaso vista más bonita que la carretera desde Santo Domingo precisamente al aeropuerto, junto al Mar Caribe, con las diferentes tonalidades del agua y el efecto contrastante de los corales?
Del mismo modo, la carretera de la costa norte, colindante con el océano Atlántico, partiendo desde Puerto Plata, pasando por Sosúa, Cabarete, Gaspar Hernández, Cabrera hasta llegar a Nagua. Los ríos de Jarabacoa y Constanza.
El lago Enriquillo con flamencos y cocodrilos. Los cañaverales de San Pedro y La Romana. La basílica de Higüey a N. S. de La Altagracia. La iglesia de N. S. de Las Mercedes en el Santo Cerro.
Somos un pueblo alegre, de piropos, de bromas, de compartir en el colmado, de hacer sancocho cuando llueve, de jugar domino, de jugar pelota en la calle, de salir a bañarse bajo la lluvia, de volar chichiguas en cuaresma, del café de la vecina, de serenatas, de "asaltos" de cumpleaños, de habichuelas con dulce, de discusiones por fritos verdes y concón, de cocinados y "serruchos", de angelitos en navidad, de bailar en la calle, hablar alto.
Con el correo electrónico nos reímos de nosotros mismos, de nuestras ocurrencias e idiosincrasia. Eso somos. Como el merengue "Nosotros Somos Así" de Juan José Ayuso y Johnny Ventura:
Es la patria que no engaña por la que yo vivo y muero.
Sol y mar, surco y montaña
La Quisqueya que yo quiero
Criollo por los cuatro lados
La tierra de donde vengo es mi orgullo más preciado y lo más grande que hay.
Nosotros somos así, mezcla de son y merengue. Un pueblo lleno de gente que busca su porvenir. Hombres que saben fajarse en el campo y la ciudad, que dan solidaridad y pelean si hay que pelearse.
Somos el país de Eduardo Brito, Oscar de la Renta, Juan Luis Guerra y Michael Camilo. Casandra Damirón, Luis Alberti, Julio Alberto Hernández, Ángela Carrasco, Rafael Solano, Maridalia Hernández, Sonia Silvestre, Fernando Casado, Luchy Vicioso, de Yaqui y de Freddy. La tierra de Juan Marichal, Sammy Sosa, Pedro Martínez, Alex Rodríguez, Albert Pujols, Alfonso Soriano, Julián Javier, Osvaldo Virgil, Tony Peña, Manuel Mota, Felipe Rojas Alou, Félix Sánchez.
También la de Juan Bosch, Joaquín Balaguer, Pedro Mir, Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Salomé Ureña, César Nicolás Penson.
Quisqueya, la tierra de mis amores. Somos el país de mucha gente que no ha sido famosa pero que ha demostrado capacidad, nobleza de alma, espíritu de trabajo. Muchos que no han ganado medallas, títulos o salir en periódicos o revistas pero que han dado lo mejor que tienen.
Gente que simplemente ha hecho la voluntad de Dios en muchísimas ocasiones y momentos cruciales. Gente que se ha repartido por el mundo y que como yo, se sienten orgullosos de ser dominicanos.
Gente que ha extraído petróleo en Alaska, que ha hecho puentes y edificios, dirigido orquestas en Europa, excelentes académicos, médicos en el Massachussetts General Hospital, Cleveland Clinic, Puerta de Hierro.
Gente que como Gastón Fernando Deligne han llegado a decir: Qué linda en el tope estás / dominicana bandera / Quién te viera, quién te viera / más arriba, mucho más. Quisqueyanos, valientes alcemos nuestro canto con viva emoción. La nación que si fuere mil veces esclava otras tantas ser libre sabrá.
El barco ha sido tocado, pero no hundido. Adelante. Tampoco busquemos ni pretendamos ser lo que no somos. Nosotros somos dominicanos. Con defectos, males, pero con virtudes, valores y fe.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Athens 2004 Olympic Journal :: Goldblatt . info
Athens 2004 Olympic Journal :: Goldblatt . info
An inside view on the Olympics.
Friday, August 06, 2004
Another one?
Voices from above.
TechCentral: Story "Three men plead guilty to wardriving"
TechCentral: Story
So, is wardriving a crime or not?
Wired News: Porn Blogs Manipulate Google
Wired News: Porn Blogs Manipulate Google
It was just a matter of time until these guys dirtied-up something originally made for good, clean fun. As if there is not enough dirt in the world already.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
HowStuffWorks - Learn how Everything Works!
HowStuffWorks - Learn how Everything Works!
There's no reason to remain stupid any longer.
Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 911, Dave Kopel, Independence Institute
Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 911, Dave Kopel, Independence Institute
I am not an American. I haven't seen the movie. I am not involved in politics. This said, I am really interested in seeing it because of all the controversy it has created. I will now download it and see what the fuzz is all about.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
No comment.
"President booed at UASD
Yesterday was not a good day for President Hipolito Mejia, who attempted to inaugurate a library at the UASD (Autonomous University of Santo Domingo). Instead of cheers, the outgoing statesman was met with boisterous demonstrations by students and faculty, outraged that the RD$281-million facility was being unveiled in an unfinished state, and, worse yet, not having any books. President Mejia arrived with former legal advisor Guido Gomez Mazara, director of the Supervisory Office of Engineering of the Presidency Hernani Salazar, Public Works Minister Miguel Vargas Maldonado and Secretary of the Presidency Sergio Grullon and was received with loud “boos” by students lining up in front of the library to be inaugurated.
The students threatened to halt the inauguration ceremony going on inside the building, according to Hoy and El Caribe. President Mejia cut short his normal “walk-through” of the new installation and was hustled out the back entrance of the building into a vehicle that was not his usual transport and had been sent to the UASD given the heated situation. Under a hail of rocks, with some hitting the vehicles of the President entourage, the cavalcade, which included Public Works Minister Miguel Vargas Maldonado, the SUV of Sergio Grullon, the President’s brother-in-law and the Presidential press detail, beat a hasty retreat. The infuriated students also also dismantled the bronze plaque to commemorate the construction.
During the ceremony, members of the President’s security team were kept informed of the activities going on outside. At one point, it appeared that a small group of students at the main doorway faced off with SWAT teams, as they yelled slogans such as “Without any books, there’ll be no inauguration!” Some witnesses said that a plain-clothes officer struck a student, which served to fire up the demonstrators further. The military escort of the President reportedly fired shots into the air in an effort to disperse the gathering, as garbage cans burned and the outraged students expressed their outrage. News reports say that the library had almost been completed in the Fernandez administration (1996-2000), which at the end did not inaugurate it because of the lack of books.
The UASD board said that, as a disciplinary measure, the university had suspended engineering professor Socrates Barinas Sone and seven students. Two students were expelled. A man named Alberto Cardenas is to be formally charged for committing acts of violence against the President. El Caribe and Hoy newspaper published editorials criticizing the aggressive manner in which the students conducted their protest. "There must always be space for civilized protests, even in the presence of the President of the Republic. But the use of impulsive methods to frustrate an activity and jeopardize the physical integrity of the President, we condemn completely," said one editorialist.
The Listin Diario's Ana Mitila Lora had an explanation for the stone-throwing at the UASD: "People can't take any more." She continued to say: "It is not just that they can't sleep at night because of the heat and the mosquitoes, but because there is no water to take a bath, no electricity to move a fan. It is not just that there is no medicine in the hospitals or that people can't make ends meet, that pharmacy bills are in the stratosphere, that public transport is scarce, that the gas tank is empty and people are tired of lining up… It is the indifference with which the President is guiding these long transition days. His broken answers to the crisis is what incites the anger amongst citizens."
Diario Libre editorial deemed the protest to repudiate the inauguration of the library as a “unacademic answer to an unnecessary political event.”
Happy Birthday Jose!
Today is Jose's 15th birthday birthday. I was talking to his mom (my sister) earlier this morning and we where remembering what things were like on this day, 15 years ago. For starters, Jose didn't want to come out to the world (did he already know what he was coming out to?), it was very hot (like now), there was a gasoline crisis (like now) and we had very long blackouts (like now). I guess thing haven't really changed in 15 years. Anyways, happy birthday m'ijo!
Danger Will Robinson, danger!
Perfect. Apparently we're going to be hit by a tropical storm (hopefully not a hurricane). Just what we needed. No gas, no electricity, severe economic depression... and now water! | ![]() Tropical Storm 2 Originally uploaded by Bracuta. |
The Onion | CIA Asks Bush To Discontinue Blog
The Onion | CIA Asks Bush To Discontinue Blog
Give the guy a break. He's only human, after all.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
LMES: Ultimate Racing Game Online
LMES: Ultimate Racing Game Online
Pretty cool. Let's see how this works.
Monday, August 02, 2004
July 19. At sea.
July 17 - 18. Amsterdam - Copenhagen, Denmark.
Apple's Jobs doing well after cancer surgery
Apple's Jobs doing well after cancer surgery
Good luck, Steve. Welcome to the world of cancer survivors.