Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Piscina natural, formada por agua de mar en una cueva en Los Haitises.


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Waterfall at Caño Hondo.

¡Que feo!

¡Que feo!
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Este parece que es primo de Popola Plus y QK New. Mi familia es amiga de los dueños de este laboratorio; ya les mandé a decir que esta publicidad está bien disgusting....


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
A face carved in stone, at the Cueva de la Lí­nea, Los Haitises.


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
No son dibujitos de carajitos, son verdaderos dibujos indígenas, en la Cueva de la Línea, Los Haitises.

Cueva de La Línea

Cueva de La Línea
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Entrada a la Cueva de la Línea en Los Haitises.


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Una casucha típica de nuestro país, con su respectiva letrina y tendedero de ropa al lado. Only in the DR...


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Una enramada para disfrutar del valle.


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Esto se toma siglos en suceder: una estalagtita y una estalagmita se unen.


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
The family that travels together, stays together. From left to right, looking at the camera: Memo, Tía Loly, papi, mami, Chachi (my big brother) and Silvia (my sister in law).
No, no nos vamos en yola para Puerto Rico, estamos paseando por los mangles de Sabana de la Mar.

La Piedra

La Piedra
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Memo posando para la cámara, montado en la yola que nos llevó de paseo por Los Haitises...

Flickr massage

Flickr massage
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
While uploading some pictures last night, I got this message from Flickr. I love how personalized and funny their messages are, from the home screen to this...

Monday, November 29, 2004

Global Underground en RD

Poco a poco nos estamos conviertiendo en la capital electrónica del Caribe....

Caño Hondo

Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Restaurante, hotel, baño... todo en uno. La comida fue excelente, el paseo magnífico. Tienen habitaciones en alquiler. Son medio rústicas, pero bien bonitas, y los alrededores excelentes.

¿Los peces fuman?

¿Los peces fuman?
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
¿Y todos esos cigarrillos? ¡No sabí­a que los peces de Los Haitises fumaban!


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Un montículo de piedra y vegetación, en el Océano Atlántico, por la zona de Los Haitises.

Mister Ed

Mister Ed
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
A horse is a horse, of course of course.... A horse chilling at Caño Hondo, Sabana de la Mar.

Pelícano en palo

Pelicano en palo
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Si, yo fuí uno de los que ayudó a salvar a Nemo....


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.

En mi familia existe la leyenda de que cuando mi papá fue a buscar a mi mamá a Arenoso, ella se paró en la finca de mi abuelo y le dijo "¿Tu ves todo eso que se ve en el horizonte? ¡Desde ahí­ hasta los mangles, todo eso es de mi papá¡" y mi papá automáticamente se enamoró de ella.


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Mine? Mine? Mine! Mine! Mine! (If you haven't seen "FInding Nemo", you won't get it)

Sabana de la Mar

Sabana de la Mar
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Este Domingo fuimos con el Consejo de Pasados Gobernadores del Distrito "R" de los Clubes de Leones a una paseo por el Parque Nacional Los Haitises. Hicimos un parada técnica en Sabana de la Mar para comprar dulces y minutas.

El León le dio hasta con el cubo del agua al Tigre

La verdad es que esto ya me está preocupando. ¡18 carreras en una entrada! ¿Qué es lo que le pasa a los Tigres?

Contra los chivos

Originally uploaded by Bracuta.

No hay cosa más tí­pica de nuestros campos que la "empalizá" de alambre de púas... Only in the DR...

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Yuca, batata y papa

Yuca, batata y papa
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Llevo yuca, llevo batata, llevo papa... Only in the DR...


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Camila wanted me to ride with her (which I finally did, against the complains of my back). She had so much fun at these games!

Defying gravity

Defying gravity
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Camila and I went Christmas-light shopping this afternoon. We had to go to Carrefour because I wanted icycle type lights for the balcony, and couldn't find them anywhere else. She was very happy 'cause they have a tiny amusement park at the side and she wanted to get on some of the rides.


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
I had to go to work today (for those of you who think lawyers don't work), and had to visit the offices of a fellow lawyer, at Acropolis Tower. While waiting for some documents to be signed, I caught a glimpse of the mountains I usually see from my bedroom window, but with a broader image.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Se vende

1. Columna vertebral, con cirugía de hernia discal doble L5-S1 y protrusión discal en camino de convertirse en hernia;
2. Sistema digestivo, con 8 úlceras, gastritis, problemas con el "muffler" (don't ask);
3. Higado usado;
4. Vertebras cervicales lastimadas;
5. Tobillo derecho roto 3 veces, con ligamentos fisurados;
6. Pulmones usados y castigados;
7. 2 ojos marrones oscuros, con miopía y astigmatismo

Para información y precios, contactar aquí...
Los objetos descritos anteriormente se cambian por iguales en mejor estado...

iMac G5

iMac G5
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
This week I had to go to Compusistemas to buy my iBook's ac adapter (third one that breaks up in 4 years), and when I went inside this baby was winking at me and telling me to take her home. I explained that I had no space available for her at the moment (and that if I bought another computer my parents would kill me; I already have 5 Macs), but that in the near future we would be together at last...

Jale and empuge

Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
¿Y cómo uno "jala"? ¿Igual que halando? Yo pensaba que eran los junkies los que jalaban...

Gratuities are accepted

Gratuities are accepted
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.

Luego de haber ganado primer lugar en el Modelo de las Naciones Unidas en RD, ayer Jose fue elegido como uno de los 8 invitados del paí­s para participar en una sesión en la sede de la ONU en NY. La invitación es el honor, ahora hay que buscar los molongos para pagar el viaje. Alguien se anima a cooperar? Ya yo lo hice (luego de que se apareciera en mi casa en este letrerito colgado del cuello; está buscando cooperación de todos).... Dense rápido, que se va el Miércoles...

(¿Coolabore o colabore? ¡Ah! Cool!)

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Vamos a contar

Vamos a contar
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Las infracciones que comete este motorista:
1. Sin casco
2. Sin placa
3. Delante de la linea blanca peatonal
4. Jacket militar
No solo lo anterior, sino que segundos despues de tomar la foto se "comio" el semaforo y 2 esquinas mas arriba se metio en contravia en una calle de una via...
Me imagino que andaba sin papeles y con un arma sin permiso.
La ley no se hizo tambien para los motoristas? Only in the DR...


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Hello? Hace casi un mes que paso Halloween! Desmonten eso y pongan un pavito!


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Sera esta la hermana menor de la Virgen de la Altagracia? Only in the DR...


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Estara cortando la grama de la jungla de cemento? Only in the DR...

Jalando Brugal

Jalando Brugal
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Primero fue encaramandose en un pote, ahora jalandolo con una mallita. What will come next?


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Ni cuerpo que lo resista.. Ah no! Ese es el mal que dura cien anos! Only in the DR...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

U2 Plays Surprise Show at Brooklyn Bridge

He ahí la diferencia entre vivir en "los paises" y vivir aquí. Lo único que podría pasar sería que Fefita la Grande tocara debajo del Puente Duarte, a orillas del podrido Río Ozama (¿lo hará antes de que el puente se caiga?).

Monday, November 22, 2004

Attention all drivers....

Yours truly was on TV last night, on a show called Girando a 18. They were talking about the last Track Day and the mentioned there was a "chick" driving (the "chick" being me) on an SUV, and that she was riding hard. Then they featured an interview they'd done on me... What do you think? If you want to see th rerun, it will be on Saturday at Ame Canel 47.

(Thinking to self: "maybe I should quit my job and forget all about this law thing and do what I really like: race cars and mess around with computers... I f only I won the lotto, then I could make my dreams come true...")


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.

Bees! Man, they sting but they got me back on my feet! Bee venom therapy is the best!


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
See? Accupunture really works for me...

Clinica Coreana

Clinica Coreana
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
These guys have really helped me out with my back...


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
On the other side, Javi playing for his team. Last game was decided in overtime, Javi shot a gol through Memo. Javi's team won 1st. place, Memo's second, but Memo won 3 medals for himself!


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Last weekend Javier's school had their annual "Copa St. Thomas" competition. These are trying times for me... In the picture, Memo playing for his school, St. Michael's... I have to shout for both teams!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Benoit Cassar read my blog!

Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! He even left a comment!!
A surprise? Does that mean you're coming back?
Mon Dieu! Il reviens! I think I'm going to faint! Ouch, my back! I can't be jumping like this but I'm so excited!

Al cuerpo no se le da tanto gusto

For all of youwho've been wondering where I was, YO TABA MUY MALITA :-(
The thing is my doctor says I have a bad back (I have already had surgery, but it keeps on bugging me), and my body says I don't.
Last Wednesday I arrived home after work and, oh surprise!, there was no electricity. I decided to go up the stairs (8 floors mind you) and not ask the concierge to turn on the generator for me.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I have to remember I have my limitations...
I have been in bed ever since, unable to move or do anything by myself. Nothing that a few needles and bees won't cure...
(Last year I had another back crisis and I tried accupuncture and apiculture (bee venom). It really worked for me and I'm undergoing treatment again.)
I'll be back on my feet soon, I promise...

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Abacus is back!!!

Recibí este email ayer:

"Hasta el 21de julio del 2002 los amantes de la música electrónica no teníamos un lugar en el que pudiésemos sentirnos como en casa. Teníamos que desplazarnos a diferentes sitios, algunas veces fuera de la ciudad, para oír lo que nos gusta, lo que nos hace bailar hasta quedar sin aliento.
Ese día, hace dos anos y tres meses aproximadamente, abre sus puertas Abacus que, con mucha paciencia y dedicación, fue mostrando al dominicano una nueva forma de divertirse, ofreciendo un lugar donde la calidad se impone en todos sus aspectos. Desde el atento servicio del personal que labora en él, pasando por su excelente distribución sonora elogiada por DJs locales y extranjeros, hasta la atmósfera creada por los efectos visuales de sus luces, Abacus es un lugar especial, único. Donde el que va se siente parte de una familia, identificado por una corriente musical que nos une.
Mientras el movimiento crecía llegaban mas exigencias departe de un público que ansiaba llenar su sed de buena música. Contando con tu apoyo siempre, Abacus se dedica a importar talento internacional, seleccionando a los mejores exponentes de los diferentes géneros de la música electrónica. Desde el sonido tropical del House hasta lo ecléctico del Trance, géneros como el Tribal y el Techno, hasta el Hip-Hop encontraron cabida dentro del primer Lounge Electrónico de República Dominicana. Siempre con el deseo de solo brindar lo mejor.
Si mencionamos todos los DJs internacionales que han tocado dentro de nuestra “Caja de Música” les cansaría pero aquí les dejo con solo algunos: Lee Burridge, Chris Fortier, Anthony Pappa, Dave Seaman, Hernan Cattaneo, Max Graham, Sandra Collins, Steve Lawler, James Zabiella, Desyn Masiello, Christian Smith, y muchos más conforman este grupo, algunos han repetido su visita hasta cinco veces como es el caso de los Trendroids. ¡Cuantos recuerdos!!!, no les parece?
Ahora hablemos de los DJs locales. En Abacus el talento local encontró una plataforma de lanzamiento, una oportunidad de mostrar sus destrezas al mundo. Juntos hemos visto como ha evolucionado el talento local, al punto de que algunos ya han tenido presentaciones fuera del país. Y tú los viste primero en Abacus!!!. Quien no recuerda los versus entre Vega y Aldo, las sesiones Techno de nuestros queridos Hazzard y Dr. Glow, los incansables House Beats de Hyper y Mr. O’Neal, y todos aquellos que nos han puesto a gozar con su música.
Debemos reconocer que los verdaderos beneficiados hemos sido nosotros mismos. De esta explosión musical nacen los grandes eventos, poniendo a la isla en el mapa de la electrónica global, lo que nos permiten disfrutar de DJs de categoría mundial y superestrellas, enmarcados en superproducciones del mismo nivel a las de cualquier país en el mundo. ¡Pero aquí, en el patio de tu casa papá!!!!!
Todo esto no hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo de todos ustedes. Desde los patrocinadores, empleados, colaboradores y, sobretodo, el mejor publico del mundo, mi gente, el coro dominicano. A ustedes les reitero mi disposición y compromiso de seguir brindándoles lo mejor de la música que tanto nos gusta a través del lugar que algunos definen como su casa, el bunker, la sede, y muchos adjetivos más.
Pablo Pou."
Abacus is back!

Somewhere over the rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Last week I saw two, this one I saw Monday morning. What a great way to start my day! Wait a second, where's my pot of gold?


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.

Ever since Summer I'd been having problems with my jeep-pote's driver side window. It was slowly going down and usually got stuck on the way up. Tí­pica dominicana, I let time go by without fixing it (maybe because I thought it would magically fix itself?), but on Saturday night it finally gave up and wouldn't go up. The guys at Dominican Glass Repair pulled it up (para que los ladrones no hicieran su agosto conmigo, aunque se bajaba con una mano) and fixed it yesterday morning.
I started fixing it myself (claro, yo me creo mecánica), but after getting silicone all over my hands, decided to let the pros do it.

P.S. ¿Que les pareció mi post en spanglish?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Tarde pero seguro - Hotmail

Has anybody noticed a recent change in Hotmail? Well, I have. Ever since last week my inbox grew to a whooping 250 Mb in storage!!! Talk about the internet race!
I received this letter last night from the guys at MSN:
"Big News: Free Storage increase to 250MB
FREE 250MB of storage capacity is coming to your MSN Hotmail e-mail account. We are increasing your online storage to 250MB—that’s over 100 times the storage you have now. That’s not all we are also increasing your attachment size from 1MB to 10MB! This means that you can send and receive more messages without worrying about available storage space. You’ll be able to see party photos, hear new songs and watch video clips that your friends e-mail to you. You may already have your increased storage—look for this upgrade to your account, between now and the end of November. "

Banned ghostly ad

This ad was banned from german TV because of a wicked appearance made by a ghost. I do believe in ghosts and was a little afraid to watch it (I have been watching too mucho Ghost Hunters on SciFi lately), but I can assure this this ad scared the ---- out of me. If you turn up the volume, you can even hear the weird sounds made by the "unexplained" phenomena.

Click here to watch the video

Caution: Not suited for the faint of heart!

cuadra técnica: Papa de las aguilas

¡Je je je! ¿Y qué es lo que le está pasando al "glorioso"? La verdad es que me tiene preocupada.
Mi sobrino Memo dice que esperemos a que lleguen los jugadores, que ahí es que los Tigres van a rugir. Yo me pregunto, ¿y los que están ahora no son jugadores?
¡Glorioso é ei que má juego gana!
¡Las Aguilas son los Yankees del Caribe, o mejor dicho, las Medias Rojas del Caribe!

Nissan Primera Turbo

Nissan Primera Turbo
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.

This is Carlos' Nissan Primera Turbo. I rode on it at the first Track Day and the rest is history....

Thank you, Carlos, for a great day at the track!

I can't wait for the next one!

Carlos was also April 2004 featured member of the month at www.g20.net

Click here to check out his interview

Mustang classic

Mustang classic
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Need I say more????? The original american muscle car!

Mustang GT Saleen

Mustang GT Saleen
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
This car roared like a lion! Oh my goodness, SO MUCH POWER UNDER ONE HOOD! And the owner said his car wasn't tuned for the activity and that on the next one he would really be racing. I can't wait to see it!

Mercedes Benz

Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
This guy appeared out of nowhere and got the ride of his life. After the race we found out he was a pro driver, behind the wheel since he was 15. No wonder he gave us quite the show! HE was behind the Mustang and he almost caught up with him! He was going so fast the car's rear bumper detached, not because he crashed, but because of the speed!

Monday, November 15, 2004

Lexus IS300 turbo

Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
A Lexus IS300 turbo, one of the street cars that ran on Saturday.

Audi A4 1.8T

Audi A4
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Javier's favorite car, an Audi A4 1.8T.

Subaru Impreza WRX and me

Impreza and me
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
The other Impreza, strolling next to the fastest and coolest "jeep-pote" at the track day. You can also see a Volkswagen Jetta in the back.

Subaru Impreza RS turbo

Subaru Impreza
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
One of the 2 Imprezas at the speedway. (I liked this one most).

Acura Integra GS-R Turbo

Type R
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Honda rules! Acura Integra GS-R Turbo.