Saturday, November 20, 2004

Al cuerpo no se le da tanto gusto

For all of youwho've been wondering where I was, YO TABA MUY MALITA :-(
The thing is my doctor says I have a bad back (I have already had surgery, but it keeps on bugging me), and my body says I don't.
Last Wednesday I arrived home after work and, oh surprise!, there was no electricity. I decided to go up the stairs (8 floors mind you) and not ask the concierge to turn on the generator for me.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I have to remember I have my limitations...
I have been in bed ever since, unable to move or do anything by myself. Nothing that a few needles and bees won't cure...
(Last year I had another back crisis and I tried accupuncture and apiculture (bee venom). It really worked for me and I'm undergoing treatment again.)
I'll be back on my feet soon, I promise...


Anonymous said...

Que te mejores pronto manita.