Sunday, May 23, 2004

On the JAG Season finale...

JAG is one of my favorite shows. Mac got terrible news fom the doctor. Webb is dead (yet he keeps on appearing in other series), so here is Harm's chance to finally hook up with her. Let's hope he does. If not, I will diall 1-800-SUE-JAG (don't try to, I just made the number up). Chegwidden retires, Bud gets a promotion, Harriet is pregnant with twins (that Bud is a stallion!), Mattie is reconciling with her father. Did I like the finale? Well, I guess so. Could have been better, though. Cliffhangers always do that to me... What is wrong with Mac? She's got cancer? She can't have babies? She's going to end up in a wheelchair? Any insights, Mr. Bellisario?

Favorite quote from last weeks episode: "It's that guy from Quantum Leap!"

Predictions: Bud's new twins will be called Kirk and Spock.