Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Saw Van Helsing last night.

Van Helsing
Oh my God!!!!! Hugh Jackman is sooooooo cute!!!!!!
We (Loli and I) thought the movie was going to suck, but we were actually surprised. It had very good special effects (reminded me of Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp is soooooo cute!!), and the plot was amusing. Kate Beckinsale's portrayal of Anna just didn't fit. She can do better with characters like the one in Serendipity. Don't get me wrong, I love chick flicks. Anyways, Maybe Jennifer Garner would've done a better job: she's femenine and she can kick some major ass!.


Andy said...


Just wanted to say hello after getting your Gmail Competition entry !!

Nice blog you got here, loved the Giraffe story.

I have just come back from your part of the world, spent a few months over in Turks & Caicos. Never made it to DR though.

Take Care


PS, any chance of an english translation on all those spanish entries !! LOL

Bracuta said...

Hey Andy! Just in case: there are no giraffes in the DR! :-) This is just a family joke that my father tells all the time. Since giraffes are so tall, he says they are the only ones able to reach traffic lights and all the other things that "magically" disappear down here...