Sunday, September 26, 2004


"De Nosotros Empanadas buenas, puedo tomar su orden?"
I'm blogging in my car while waiting to buy some "empanadas" for dinner...
I have spent all day at home. This was a long weekend because on Friday it was "Dia de la Virgen de Las Mercedes" holiday. Most people went out of town for the weekend, but I decided to stay home for a change. Well, not really. Because of hurricane Jeanne, there were not many options. The only feasible place to go was Cabarete, and it was going to be crowded. Besides, I needed the rest. Get some sleep!
Wednesday night was horrible for my ulcers. I went to Abacus with Rosita and Maria Eugenia and drank a tad too much. I ended up going to sleep way too late for a weekday, and paid for it on Thursday. I had work on Thursday night (Jose was DJ'ing at a party), so had to do something until I had to go pick him up. Eventhough it wasn't Friday, we decided to go to Steak House. After a while, and since it was Thursday, we went home 'cause I had recorded all my shows and couldn't wait to see them.
CSI. CSI. What was I doing before CSI? I can't even remember. I just know I can't get enough of it!
ER season premiere. I must confess I haven't been seeing ER since the beginning, but for the past few years I've been hooked on it. And now Eli (Once and Again's Shane West) is on it! It couldn't get any better.
It's a pity Kem left Carter all alone, but since I heard Noah Wyle was leaving the show maybe it means he decides to go to Africa to be with her. It's a shame; I wanted him and Abby to end up together.



Me encanta leer lo que escribes, porque tienen una resonancia totalmente diferente a lo que muchos esperan. No hay dudas que nuestro país ha cambiado en pasos agigantados, y aunque mantenemos nuestra cultura, también hemos aprendido que existen otras culturas, otros ritmos, otras personas, dignas de apreciación. Te confieso que desde que llegue al país no he tenido tiempo para ver televisión, una de las cosas que estoy extrañando son los nuevos episodios de ER, soy un fanático de la serie desde que empezó.
Me gusta esa combinación que creaste aquí, de empanadas con blogging, del día de las Mercedes con ER y CSI.
Life is just a wonderful buffet, get I big plate.
Have a fantastic day.