Monday, September 13, 2004

My cell, the "Dawg"

Apparently my cell phone was thirsty, so he decided to take a dip in the toilet to freshen up.
A few months ago it was my pager, who also got thirsty and took a dip in the toilet. At least this one was at home, and it was clean. I took it out and washed it (with water and soap) and disinfected it, and 3 days later it was working again (it doesn't make any sounds, but at least it vibrates). Motorola is a good brand!
Last Friday at Steak it was my new cellphone's turn. On a public restroom. Thank God the cleaning lady had just gotten out of there and the toilet was clean, but still... EEEEWWWW!!!
I took it to the shop this morning and they said they were going to try and save it. It will cost me RD$3,500.00. I paid RD$6,000.00 for it, so fixing it will cost more than half what I paid for it.
From now on, I will potty train all my equipment.
I never have a dull weekend...


Anonymous said...

Apparently your phone is always thirsty, siempre está en el toilet, es eso o tiene complejo de buzo..........
