Saturday, November 06, 2004

Dia de la Constitucion

Dia de la Constitucion
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Que linda estas en el tope, dominicana bandera. Quien te viera, quien te viera, mas arriba, mucho mas...


Anonymous said...

Hey Bracuta, me gusto el estilo de tu "blogger". Naci en Santo Domingo de padre europeo y resido en la panza del imperio (New York) ;-). Escribeme un e-mail cuando puedas.

Mis areas de interes: existencialismo (Nieztche, Sartre, etc..), Historia y Rock (70s, 80s)

Here is my e-mail:

Anonymous said...

celta_dom de nuevo...

Una pregunta: Que significa el nombre "Bracuta"?

Hasta la vista,

Anonymous said...

Forgive me, but it looks that most Dominicans don't use the "Bandera" for the same purpose as it would have been used by the Father of the Patria Juan Pablo Duarte.
It seems that most Dominicans wipe theirs... with the poor Bandera every time they feel the need to go to... Open your eyes Bracuta. You are a lawyer in a country that lynching is seen as a legit social resource. This is a country where they celebrate the "Grand Prix" (Porsche, Mazda, etc.) in such an expensive deployment of wealth that rivals the "Daytona's or Indies 500's." Nonetheless the average Dominican (90%) of the population can't afford an extra pair of shoes.

Sincerely yours