Thursday, March 31, 2005

Breaking news

The Pope has got a very high fever...
Let's pray for him...


Dgrasiaiiita said...

Mensiona tambien que le pusieron feeding tubes, quizas ahora se lo desconectan cuando no le encuentren ningun uso al papa.
desde que no pueda dar una misa mas le quitan la maquina de respitar y luego la de alimentarlo!

Gabemaster said...

El papa debe retirase y cojelo suave. Un par de monja de 20 años tampoco le vendrian mal.

annush said...

hahaha...gabemaster i think that for once you and i are in agreement. As for the feeding tube, it seems to me that they are trying to put off the inevitable. I mean, how old is the Pope again?? exactely. Whatever happened to the days when you could have a dignified death...