Monday, January 17, 2011

I only have one question....

What is he

doing there?


Edwin Concepción said...

Comai, that's a touchy subject right now... My guess is that he seized the opportunity to establish himself as a viable candidate, or at least to have some pull in the process.
Anyway you look at it, it's not good. :s

Bracuta said...

What REALLY get me thinking is the fact that he has a Diplomatic passport and he left the airport on an official vehicle surrounded by Minustah troops... Something stinks there and it's not their "BO"...

Emmanuel said...

Increíblemente, un señor que se supone que debe de estar preso, lo reciben con caravanas militares... me encanta el tercer mundo...

Unknown said...

Se puede esperar de todo de los politicos y este no deja de ser uno aunque sea extranjero. La miseria tiene poca memoria y si lo reciben como rey y se olvidan de todo el daño que causó a su país ya te puedes dar cuenta para donde es que van: para ninguna parte :-S
