Thursday, May 29, 2008

To you, my friend...

Dear Puking Buddy:
You've know me from even before I knew there was something called alcohol or smokes. Hell, you've known me even before I had my first boyfriend (and that was a loooooong time ago!)!
We grew up together. Como dice el dicho, "echamos los dientes juntas." When the time came for us to start partying, you were by my side (and we partied like crazy, didn't we?). Whenever one my relationships ended, you were there to comfort me and to make me realize there were "other fish in the sea" (and by God, there were sooo many!). In the good, in the bad, you have always been there.
"M'ija, ese tipo es un moj.., olvídate de él" (and the name stuck with him until today, and he still doesn't know we call him that way).
"¡Ay mira, "epagueti" con frito!"
"Night Train" en Azua después de que nos bebimos todas las Presidentes que había en todos los colmados de aquí a Azua y de arrazar con el bar de don Pepín.
"Chopa, yo 'toy medio mala... como que 'toy "mariá", acompáñame al baño" (and we always held each other's hair back so it wouldn't get in the way of us calling "Juan" over the "big white phone").
"¿Y tú no ibas a comprar 3 grandes?" "Sí, pero me las bebí camino de casa para acá..."
"Rock the craddle of love" (and you and me and Morna crawling all over Morna's appartment's floor in... well... you know...)
"Tu abuelita en patineta bajando la Churchill disfrazada de He-Man"
"Dame un cigarro"
"¿Y qué es lo que vamos a hacer esta noche?" "¡Oh vieja, pero salir!"
"Vámonos p'al patiecito a comprar helados por la pared y a fumarnos un cigarro en el pasillito"
"Dime, chopa"
"Chopa, vámonos p'al cuarto a beber "arcoiris"" (and no one ever noticed the bottles were missing).
Detention después de que "Pacheca" falsificó la firma de su mamá y nos escapamos del colegio por la puerta delantera (I shall never forget Mrs. Scott losing her temper and la señora Almonte gritando "¡es que ustedes me van a poner loca!"). Our names being called one by one to the office by Nerys. ""Pacheca" a la oficina por favor. "Morna" a la oficina por favor. "Kat" a la oficina por favor. "Bracuta" a la oficina por favor. "La Taína" a la oficina por favor." En órden alfabético, como de maldad para que cada una supiera que su turno venía ahí.
Us and "El Goldo" setting "La Taina's" skirt on fire and she not realizing it until the smell was strong that "Monchiconi" and "Vigolita" started coughing out their lungs.
Us bringing our pillows to school and going to sleep at the back end of the classroom during Vasquez's classes.
"Chopa, pídele a tu mamá que te preste a "Herminia" esta noche para irnos de bonche."
And the first face I saw when I opened my eyes after drinking that whole bottle of vodka "al pelo" all by myself (remember, when you found me con la cabeza pá' los pies y el índice metido en la botella vacía en Puerto Plata?) was yours.
(¡diañe, el que lea esto va a pensar que tú y yo éramos unas perdidas!)
Las fiestas en el Country, las salidas a Neón, las juntaderas en casa de Morna, you were always there...
¡Vieja, la verdad es que tú y yo hemos pasado muchas vainas y hecho muchas cosas juntas!
So many things come to my mind that if I were to write down all of them it would take another lifetime to get the post finished.
Life has taken us down different roads and today we don't hang out as much as we used to. Still, I don't consider you as a friend but as sister, my accomplice in crime, my "puking buddy."
You know I suck at remembering dates. You know life gets so complicated some times that we don't even have time to pick up the phone and call the people closest in our hearts, even if it is their birthday.
You know I love you no matter what, even if we don't speak frequently or see each other all the time.
I love you, chopa. I love you, puking buddy. I love you, Kat, and don't you ever forget that.
Happy belated birthday, my friend.

En la pic, de izquierda a derecha: Cali, Rox, Cocote, Kat y yo. Mis "hermanas" de toda la vida.

(I told you last week I had prepared your post... better late than never, right?)


luima said...

lindas todas !!!