Sunday, July 31, 2005

El cumple de Loli

Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
El Sabado nos juntamos para celebrar el XX b-day de Loli (pensaban que iba a decir su edad? ja ja ja!). Primero la pasamos bien chillin en Taboo Bamboo compartiendo como niños sanos (menos aquellas que se la pasaron haciendo cerebro con el calvito del otro cumple, yo incluida). Hacía mucho que no me juntaba con el grupo (he estado medio antisocial últimamente), pero la verdad no me arrepiento de haber ido (además de que si no iba, Loli me picaba en pedacitos bien chiquitos para que no me volvieran a poder volver a pegar). Muchas caras conocidas, muchas caras nuevas, pero siempre la misma gozadera.

De izquierda a derecha: Laura, Dilia, Claudia, Paola, Ingrid, Natalia, Loli, yo, Alexandra, Adeladia, María Virigina, Claudia, Margarita y Adnaloy. (Había hombres también, pero no les voy a cansar con fotos).

Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
El bonchaso más grande se dio en Loft (claro, después de que el alcohol corrió como un río)... Se vieron cosas, se hicieron cosas... hmmm, mejor ni sigo...
La verdad era que yo no quería ir a Loft, pero me amenazaron (palabras de Mari: "tus ex-amigas van, si quieres que vuelvan a ser tus amigas, más te vale que vayas"). Patalié y patalié ("sabes contar? no cuentes conmigo") pero al final (como siempre) terminé gozando muchísimo. La música estaba buenísima, el ambiente también, además de que estaba con gente muy querida... y eso es lo más importante.
En la foto, de izquierda a derecha: yo, Loli, Christian, Claudia, Ingrid y Margarita.

Loli, as usual, your party was the best!
I love you lots, Lolilá!

A star is born

Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
El Sabado fue el debut de Camila en el mundo del ballet. Bailó en la función de "Cenicienta", como invitada en la fiesta del Príncipe.

Feliz día del Padre!

Al mío y a los demás. Sin ustedes, nosotros no existiríamos.
Se les quiere mucho!!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Down, but definitely not out...

Ayer una persona por motivos que desconocemos (probablemente envidia) "hackió" el site de Remolacha. Tuve el honor y el placer, junto a mi querido amigo Edwin, de trabajar para solucionar el problema y tener el site online lo más rápido posible.
Hicimos lo que pudimos (un poquito de magia, un poquito de esfuerzo y siempre con la Gracia de Dios, creo que logramos más de lo que creíamos que íbamos a poder hacer) para ayudar a nuestro amigo Remo, que siempre nos ha apoyado en todos nuestros proyectos.
Yo que estoy medio quillada por los comentarios inapropiados, entonces quieren venir a fuñir a Remo... eso terminó de hacerme el día...
Nada, seguiremos en esto hasta cuando Dios quiera..
Pa 'lante Remo, sabes que siempre puedes contar conmigo...

Friday, July 29, 2005

Dont like my blogging? Dial 1-800-EAT-SICA

Breaking the law

Breaking the law
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Por eso es que este país no progresa.
Estoy parada en el carril izquierdo, para doblar a la izquierda, detrás de la línea que divide el camino del peatón, sin pasarme de la línea divisoria de la calle, esperando que cambie el semáforo.
De pronto, estos 3 pendejos se me meten alante....
Gracias a Dios que no ando con un bulldozer, porque si no....


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Este... doña, me parece que le dieron un besito a su carro...

Ya volvió la misma vaina otra vez....

Y sabía yo que algo me decía que no publicara el relato...
Yo quisiera como que este blog tuviese un filtro contra las personas resentidas y acomplejadas.
Dejen de estar cojiendo las cosas como no son...
Querido anónimo, a lo mejor te hubise caído mejor si hubiese sido un cuento de como un día pidiendo en la Lincoln con 27 un carro público me pisó un pié...
Dejen el resentimiento y el complejo de inferioridad a un lado. Lo publiqué como una historia simpática, no para que nadie supiera mis pertenencias ni mis viajes...
Díga alguien aquí si en ningún momento se han sentido raros en un sitio, si no han llegado a una boda donde le dijeron que la vestimenta era casual y de pronto se encontraron a todo el mundo con unos vestidasos y unos papasos...
Nada como un resentido social y un acomplejado por su situación para malentender las cosas y para crear una polémica de algo que fue hecho simplemente como una historia graciosa...
Pero whatever, como ninguno de esos resentidos me mantiene y como creo que este sigue siendo MI BLOG, no les voy a hacer caso y voy a seguir practicando la Bracutacracia y publicando las cosas que quiera (o en buen dominicano, LO QUE ME DE LA GANA).
Y pena es hermano de jódete... y por ningún pendejo anónimo me voy a dejar joder...

A fish out of water or one more reason why regular people can't buy expensive stuff...

This is an anecdote from my "Stuff the happened to me while traveling in Europe" diary:
I was walking along the Champs-Élysées with mom, dad and Mariu, when we saw a Cartier store. The wristband of my "Must 21" watch was asking for a much needed break, so I decided to go in the store to buy a new one.
Now let me tell you this before I continue. I have split personalities. While at work, I dress very formal and am always very professional (though my happy go lucky spirit is always there). Whenever I travel, I do it in the most comfortable way possible: jeans, t-shirts, sneakers and baseball caps.
Anyways, we all went in the store. This hunk of a guy opened the door for us (he was like 6'7"), and then the atmosphere suddenly turned heavy. Here we were, surrounded by millions of dollars, me wearing some worn out jeans, a pair of puma sneakers, some t-shirts AND an Aguilas Cibaeñas cap. I felt all the eyes upon us, but I actually didn't care. A very nice lady approached us and asked if we needed some help (I imagined the "what are these bums doing here???" thought in her head). As soon as I showed her my watch everything changed. We turned into Dominican Royalty in her eyes. I told her I wanted to buy a new band, and she asked me to follow her. We were going down to a very secret and important Cartier vault, so not everyone could go. My parents, who are really not very much into that sort of bs, decided to stay and enjoy the view while Mariu and I went to the vault.
I must really say the ambiance in the shop was just perfect. Perfect lighting, perfect music, perfect temperature, perfect people.. and me in my worn out jeans and my baseball cap.
Anyways, we followed the nice lady to the back of the shop, where we boarded a very beautiful elevator. When the doors opened, we found ourselves down in the vault. She told us someone would come to help us shortly, and we were left there gazing around. There was a lady with a Fifi (aka a nice little french poodle.. why are they always called Fifi?) that was wearing what we believed was a diamond necklace (the dog and the lady both). A person came by and asked us if we wanted some champagne or anything (nothing less than Veuve Clicquot please), but gracefully declined. After 2 minutes another nice little french lady comes and tends to us.
I don't know why, but everyone down there was whispering. When I took off my watch, she handed me a padded suede tray because I believe she wasn't allowed to touch the watch. When she showed me the available wristbands, she waved some kind of object in front of a wall and suddenly the wall opened up and out came trays with lots of stuff in it. When I chose the one I wanted she carefuly took the watch with her and said she would be back shortly. 15 minutes went by (I was wondering what my parents were doing and joking around with Mariu about all the people that were down there) and then she came back. She had put on some white gloves and, holding the tray again, took my watch and proceeded to strap it on my hand with such delicacy I thought it was going to break (if she knew how I treated it she would've died!). The guys had been kind and decent enough to clean it and do a general checkup on it (it looked better than new). But then again we remembered we were Dominican Royalty, so that was to be expected. After paying and signing a bunch of papers, we said goodbye and ran (yes, RAN!) up the stairs, where we met my parents. We were laughing all the way to the door, and when we got out we laughed even harder and told mom and dad about our experiences down at the "magnificent vault of dreams", speaking in a normal tone of voice and feeling finally free.
Fishes out of water? Nah.. just being ourselves, no matter where we were...

Bra 101

Este me dió bien duro:

Regalos super especiales para el Día de los Padres!

Mi pana Monty me mandó este email, y no pude evitar compartirlo con ustedes....
Los discos de la época de oro de la música Dominicana:
Este va en especial para mi pana Rommy, que era presidente de todos los fan clubs de estos artistas....

No más longana

Otro blogger más que se jarta:
Alex Ferreira (Cadena De Longaniza) ha decidido poner fin a su cadena.
Te extrañaremos mucho....
Yo también a veces como que medio pienso dejar esto, pero si lo hago mis sobrinos me galletean...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

How I Live my Life

How You Life Your Life

You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.

You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.

Your friends tend to be a as quirky as you are - which is saying a lot!

You tend to always dream of things within reach - and you usually get them.


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
El equipo de Transebebe: (de izquierda a derecha) Maribel (la Mamá de las Chicas Superpoderosas), Lily (la Princesa de Dallasnargas), July, Eny (Bracuta), Katia (Idicula) y Sandra (la Peque)...


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
La semana pasada despedimos (otra vez) a Lily, la Princesa de Dallasnargas, que ya por fin se va hoy donde su Príncipe...
Si Lily, el anillo se ve, no te apures...
Oigan mujeres, ¡pero ustedes si beben!

Un saludo por allá por Dallasnargas

Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Esta va dedicada especialmente al Príncipe de Dallasnargas, que hoy recibe a su Princesa de vuelta en su castillo.
Tendrá Princesa, pero no tiene Presidente...


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
¡Pero que coshita más linda!


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
Si loco, sabemos que andas en un Mercedes del año y que te crees la gran vaina, ¿pero tenías que parquearte en 2 parqueos?
El dinero definitivamente no da educación...
Por si acaso, es un hombre el que anda en este carro...


Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
La semana pasada llego a mi casa en mi hora de almuerzo y me encuentro con esto: mi habitación hecha un desastre. Aparentemente a mi hermana se le olvidó que ya no vive en casa y decidió pintar todo el apartamento, incluyendo mi habitación.
El día anterior había estado en su casa viendo el cuarto de Camila, que también lo habían pintado (está beeeeelllo!), y relajando le dije que quería pintar mi habitación de mamey (¿he mencionado anteriormente que tengo un ligero problema con el mamey?)
Aparentemente se lo tomó en serio, pero:

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tomas! Tomas! Check this out!!!

Our very own Vampire Killing kit! We should definitely buy it!

eBay: 21st CENTURY VAMPIRE KILLING KIT-------- NO TATTOO HERE (item 5600591477 end time Aug-02-05 15:13:41 PDT)

Apple - iBook G4

I said it!
The new iBooks are here!

Ahoy local Mac Users!

No se olviden que esta tarde tendremos la renuión del Mac User Group DR en los salones 204 y 205 de UNIBE. La reunión está pautada para las 6:30 p.m. y estaremos hablando de cosas muy interesantes.
No es necesario que tengan Mac. Pueden ir hasta los que no tengan computadoras, están más que bienvenidos.


Monday, July 25, 2005 Genetics Leave Felines Without Sweet Tooth

Well, mine don't have sweets because THEY are too sweet already...
Ream more here

Yahoo! Widgets

They just bought Konfabulator like 3 hours ago and already they have a website!

How Weird am Im?

You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! Automated Backups on Tiger Using rsync

If I had known then what I know now....
Now, this is all nice until your (%#$%&("$# external drive crashes (like mine did)...

here for more info.

Bracuta Google

Ja ja ja! Now I have my own Google page!

There's a strike in Puerto Rico?

Mom told me she spoke to aunt Nora who told her that there's a strike going on in Puerto Rico. Apparently, due to the strike, they have a gasoline shortage and people can't even go to work.
The funny part is that Tony (my cousin and Ima's brother) is at Ima's, and he was suposed to visit Andrea (his other sister) in the States and his grandmother, but he hasn't been able to move from the house.
Dude, that's what I call bad luck...
Oh, by the way, today in history Puerto Rico was officially declared "un Estado Libre y Asociado".....
Ima, can you give me an update on your situation?

Here's Ima's reply:
"there was a strike. on wed. the "camioneros" union decided to avoid anyone to receive the articles from the port, imagine Puerto Rico imports almost everything, this includes gasoline. The reason? well they want a 10% increase on the amount of "carga" they actually can have. The gov. explained that due to the increase a "vista" had to be held , the outcome no understanding and no imports were delivered since wed. the major crisis was the gasoline by Fri. there was no gasoline in the country,the very few that had were only selling $10.00 the lines were between 1hr and 11/2 by Sat morning the gov. and the "camioneros" reached an agreement. The distribution began Sat midday and all gasoline stations are suppose to work normally by Mon. afternoon.
My brother had not taken a vacation in the past 6 years (personal /financial reasons) this was his vacation!! imagine his first stop here at Puerto Rico then Washington (my other sister lives there) and finally Miami (friend's house). When the strike came upon everyone was very carful in not wasting the gasoline!! so since thurs. I made sure that he had a good time, we still managed to get out of the house, on fri we had a "barrio" party were all of our great "vecinos" just sat outside with BBQ, music, and of course "cerveza" since everybody was stranded it was a great party!! until well let's say past 2:00am the following day we had gasoline and life continued!!!
He is today at Washington facing another transportation situation Metro/bus search. For reasons everybody agrees and knows!! his moraleja...."no cambio la voladora ni la banderita por na de esto" sorry only dominicans will understand this comment jejejejeje "

Oh no! Now they've gone to Niagara Falls!

After taking Akron and Canton by storm, my brother and his family decided to ravage Niagara Falls.

From left to right: Memo, Chachi, Guillo (Fausto's son), Fernandito, Gabriel, Mariu, Sarah, Christina Emilia and Silvia.
I believe the photo was taken at the entrance to Hard Rock Cafe.

Here's my elusive cousin Fausto (a.k.a. Dr. Pibe), in a rare appearance...
Here he is with Laura, his sister in law, and Guillo, his son, in their Maid of the Mist raincoats... - Massive dust cloud heads to U.S.

The article says it will be moving towards Southern US. As far as I saw it on the news this morning, it will be situated smack across the Caribbean...
Read morehere.

Friday, July 22, 2005

My Hawaiian Name

Your Hawaiian Name is:

Noelani Peni