Thursday, July 07, 2005

I just don't get it...

All these people that claim to do things in the name of God or Allah, however they want to call him or her...
While in Egypt our tour guide Mohammed took us to this famous Mosque in Cairo. I was kinda reluctant to go in (this was all before 9/11), but Mohammed told me that my God and their God was one and the same, with just a different name, so I decided to go in. I did a little research when I got back home and grasped what he was telling me.
There is truly only one God, whether you want to picture him as a hot chick in leather pants, a man, a woman, whether you call him Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, God, Lord.. have it your way.
Then why do they do these acts of inhumanity in God's name? Why do they kill innocent people and say they did it for God? WHY?
I don't know about yours, but mine is a God of love. My God doesn't ask me to kill in his name and he certainly won't condone actions against others using his name as a shield. My God tells me to love my neighbor, to even love those that do harm unto me.
And now the worst part is, when will this all be over? When will their hatred stop? When will humanity live peacefully?
God forgive them, because I certainly am having a hard time doing it...


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this will never see the end.
Mankind won't stop doing that type of atrocities.
Que el de alla arriva nos agarre confesao'

Gabemaster said...

Bracuta just be a little more specific, who are you refering to when you say they in this:

"Why do they kill innocent people and say they did it for God?"

I hope you are only talking about terrorists and not Muslims...

When you say:
"I don't know about yours, but mine is a God of love. My God doesn't ask me to kill in his name and he certainly won't condone actions against others using his name as a shield. My God tells me to love my neighbor, to even love those that do harm unto me."

Well, let me tell you something Yes you DO, Christians are NO BETTER they did the same thing. The countless numbers of people killed by the inquisition, that was all done in the name of YOUR GOD. Heard about the cruzades? The pope who started that (and those who followed him) told people if they died killing Muslims in the "Holy Land" in the name of YOUR GOD they would wake up in heaven. People who doe that today we simply call them religious Terrorists.

The point is that your post seems more that you are casting doubt that your God is really the same as "theirs", and that you are writing a criticism of Islam and Muslims in general and not about those extremist terrorist idiots. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Bracuta said...

Gabe, siempre te vas por la tangente...
I am not talking about Muslims. I am talking about terrorists. Not the same thing. Not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslims. I am talking about these terrorists that claim they do this in the name of God.
I believe the Church has already apologized for their actions, which by the way were commited centuries ago in case you had forgotten. Remember, neither we or the Church are perfect, the only thing perfect is God, and he certainly doesn't need to apologize to your or humanity...
And regarding "my God"... I believe there is only one God, omnipotent and omnipresent. Call him or her what you want, it's the same thing. And this "entity" if you like to call him/her that, NOWHERE DOES HE TELL HIS/HER FOLLOWERS TO KILL OTHERS.
I love history and I certainly know about the Inquisition and the Crusades, but need I remind you that these were acts made by people? Never NEVER did they say that God told them to do what they did.
You can't judge God by the things his followers did and still do. Hell, you are nobody to judge God. "El que esté libre de pecado que tire la primera piedra". I certainly don't judge Allah for the things these terrorists are doing claiming they were told to do so.
Still today we see people fighting because they claim that the land that others occupy belongs to them because God gave it to them. I criticize that as well. I don't see the logic in taking away lives because of this, when one of the first things we should focus in is that God gave us life and he is the only one who can take it from us. He, not some bastard waving an AK-47 or strapping bombs on his body or driving planes into buildings.
God doesn't feed on the blood and pain of others.
God is a God of love and forgiveness. He loves us all: black, white, yellow, men, women, christian, catholic, muslim, buddhist, straight, gay, old, young, ugly, cute, fat, thin... you name it, he loves us...
And if you need further explanation, I will be more than happy to help you there...

Bracuta said...

Completely agree... no one is better than the other.. Just because we have different points of view doesn't mean that one is better or worse.
I for one think we are all one and the same.
I just hate terrorism (any type of it) and I think we can all agree on this.

Gabemaster said...

Bracuta there is no need to get defensive, all I said was that on your post it seemed as if you were referring to muslims and the religion not just terrorists thats it. Prolly because you weren't as especific as you just were. And because it seemed that way I had to brought up those things. Relaaax that was all.

On a side note, when you say "Never NEVER did they say that God told them to do what they did." Well, whether you accept it or not in the Catholic religion the Pope is God's representative on Earth. So in those times when the Pope himself told people to go kill, they did believe that it was God who told him to go kill.
Also these acts by Christians did not stop when the medieval era ended. Just look at Ireland not centuries ago, but just a few years ago. Christians terrorizing and killing eachother, one side Catholic the other side Protestants. My thing is not about GOD is against religion.

Bracuta said...

Gabe, if you pinch me I'll bleed. If you attack my beliefs and God, of course I will get defensive. I know it's nothing personal, but you did ask for an explanation and I gave you one.
I respect your problem with religion, I just don't share it. And in regards with the Pope, once more I need to remind you that the late John Paull II did ask for forgiveness for all the things the church and those involved with it had done. If you chose not to forgive and to hold a centuries-old grudge, then so be it.
Como decimos los Cursillistas (porque soy una Católica practicante) "La Iglesia soy yo", y mi lema favorito: "Yo soy cuerpo vivo de la Iglesia".
Peace out.