Monday, August 01, 2005

Beware: Córdovas at 1600!

The Ortega-Córdova family went on vacation to Washington, D. C., and the shared some pics with me (and, of course, the world).

Hmmmm... and how could they get sooo close? Ima, Ricardo, Marquito and Marcos.

Oh dear God! It's actually Dr. Andrea posing with her nephew Marquito! Hello Dr.!

Tío Genito must be so proud of his grandkids! They even managed to turn their cousin into an Aguilucho.
Arriba las Aguilas!
Ricardo, their cousin and Marquito.


Anonymous said...

Very nice

Anonymous said...

que linda mi familia!!!! gracias prima!

Anonymous said...

hey...Dr. Andrea is kinda cute.
