Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Back by popular demand....

So yeah, I was kinda pissed with this blog thing. The thing is I find it very hard to be under public scrutiny. People are so unforgiving and so troublesome, sometimes it's really a drag to write knowing that people will criticize even the slightest thing you say. I don't really know how to deal with it.
I know I'm not perfect. I know it's impossible to be liked by everyone, but why go to extremes?
People don't seem to understand that this is my blog. I write about things and the way I think and feel towards them. Maybe you don't care for what I write about, maybe you do. I might talk about the way the sun came up this morning. I might talk about one of the TV shows I see. I might talk about global warming or about the government. I'm just a regular person out here, trying to share a bit of my life, or better yet, trying to express myself. It is impossible to even think that my thoughts will be the same as all of those people that come here. Be a little tolerant, will you? And please, keep your insults to yourselves, they are really not welcome.
Do you know it actually takes time and effort to do this? Can't you appreciate that? I mean, come on! I write about a party I go to and someone goes on and tells me I need a makeover? Was my post really about that? Why do you care? Did I hurt you by wearing a t-shirt? Do you have to insult me and call me over-sensitive and immature? Do you know me? Have you spent time talking and getting to know me? Do you know what goes on with my life? The things I have to deal with? All the pressure I impose upon myself, not to talk about that imposed by others? Do you know my likes and dislikes? No, you don't, then cut me some slack and let me express myself in the only way I know how to. I need to vent!
Anyways, for the past 3 weeks I've been so busy at work I haven't even had the time to do my things. I have over 400 unread emails in my inbox (not exaggerating here), my mom calls me and asks me if I still live at home, I skip meals all the time. The cats complain about my absence. My nephews ask whether I'm still alive. It has been mayhem. And yet I write 1 post and someone dares to insult me and tell me it's just advice? Did I ask for your advice? Do I need your advice? Do I want your advice? Are you God to think that you are the best out there and you have the right to give unsolicited advice? Thanks, but keep your thoughts to yourself.
I'm getting really really tired of all this bitching I have to do every once in a while. I'm tired of feeling like crap when some complete stranger up and goes ballistic on me. I spoke with a friend a few weeks ago and told her I was quitting this blog thing. She told me not to (almost ordered me not to). I've told a bunch of people about this and all of their responses were the same: don't pay attention to the bad things. Keep on writing. We like your blog.
So yeah, I guess I'll keep on blogging. Aside from a few a-holes, there's a bunch of nice people all over the world that actually do like my blog. For them, and only for them, I'll try to keep this thing going. As for all the rest, you know where to go.
This is Bracuta, the overtly-sensitive immature in-need-of-a-makeover fat snob signing out....
* Claudia Teijeiro: Un saludo! Cómo estás?
* MAB @ Canada: Thanks for your nice thoughts.
* Un lector quiere saber dónde puede conseguir los episodios de Marte (los muñequitos). Alguien sabe?
* DC: Me mata la curiosidad por saber quién eres!
A todos los que me enviaron mensajes de apoyo, muchas gracias de corazón. Dios los bendiga. A los que hicieron todo lo contrario, que Dios no los juzgue de la misma forma que me juzgaron a mí.


Anonymous said...

Hola. He leido tu blog desde hace un par de meses desde que accese al mismo via En particular te puedo decir, que me he entretenido bastante leyendolo y seria una lastima que por un grupo de idiotas y/o ineptos ( que solo les gusta molestar) dejes de actualizarlo. Se tu misma ante todo. Y recuerda: "lo que no te mata, te hace mas fuerte". :)

Anonymous said...

Solo te puedo decir que eres uno de los pocos blogs que leo, y si le haces casos a esos que pierden el tiempo queriendote insultar, entoces, les estas dando el gusto a ellos/as.

Nadie es perfecto, y si hay algunos, entoces, tienen que ser unos aburridos.

Como simpre dices, este es tu blog, y al fin de cuentas no obligas a nadie a leerte.

Keep it up, y recuerda que A oidos sordos palabras necias.

Anonymous said...

Por lo extremadamente ocupado que e estado en los ultimos meses yo e dejado el blogueo y no se cuando vuelva a eso. Ni siquiera un anuncio puse en mi blog ni tampoco e contestado los emails de gente preguntado que diantre me paso. Bueno, la cosa es que este es el UNICO blog que leo con algo de frecuencia. Raramente voy a algun otro Blog y aun mas raro escribo algo. Asi que tu no puedes dejar esta VAINA!!. Si tu dejas esto que estoy supuesto a leer? el Blog de ANNUSH??? ombe no, Dios me libre!!
Y dike tu dejar esto por unos pendejos que lo que le gusta es simplemente joder. Buena decision regresar.

No olvides algo...We Love You :)

Tetey said...

Bracuta, no dejes el blog por los ignorantes!! eres tu acaso una monedita de oro, que le tienes que caer bien a todos? no, entonces por favor al que no le guste lo que tu escrives que se balla par carajo!! OH! ahora ahy que escribir lo que los idiotas estos quieren, oh coño (pardon my french) pero es que te digo que la gente le saca a uno lo malo....
keep your head up!! TU saves quien tu eres y lo que TU vales!!!!