Thursday, February 17, 2005

The meaning of away

As I told you a few months ago, I don’t have access to MSN Messenger at my office (even if I did, right now we don’t have internet access either). I am ALWAYS online at home, but during the day (and sometimes at night when Rox gets her way), I’m usually never there (someone has got to work), so I set my messenger to “appear offline”. A friend told me a few weeks ago that even if I wasn’t there, I should appear online, but away, just in case she wanted to leave me a message (she lives in Madrid. If you want to leave me a message, send me an email or call my cellphone). The thing is that for the past few days I’ve been doing just that: I’m online but away.
Some people have gotten pissed at me because I don’t answer back when they talk to me. To those of you, all my love, but please understand that if I say I’m away at work, I mean I’m away at work or if I say I’m taking a shower, watching tv or sleeping, I’m doing just that and I’m not in front of the computer. When I get home I see your messages but you are usually offline, so I can’t talk back.
I know some people appear away but they’re really there, they just appear away to not be bothered (my advice: if you don’t want to be bothered, don’t log on or if you really need to, appear offline), but when I say away, I mean away…
Thanks you for your understanding, folks…


Anonymous said...

estoy de acuerdo, si una persona no quiere ser molestada por favor ni molestarse de conectarse al messenger...eso es lo que hago yo