Wednesday, February 02, 2005

An office with a view

An office with a view
Originally uploaded by Bracuta.
You guys haven't heard from me today because it was moving day. Yep, that's right, my office moved. We're now located on the 7th floor at Spring Center Tower. I'm very excited about this move. First, because I've never had an office with a window, much less a view of the mountains. Second, because the gym is just downstairs from my office. Now I don't have an excuse not to work out (I could make one up, but I really want to trim down. Round is just not my shape...).
At the moment we have no internet connection, but hopefully that is going to be temporary. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the view...


Anonymous said...

Saludos Bracuta,

Congrats on the new office. You aren't afraid of heights?

Bracuta said...

Hey Remo! Thanks! Nope, I ain't afraid of heights (I live on an 8th. floor), actually, I kinda like it....

annush said...

Woo Hoo! An office with a window! that's a very big deal. a gym right downstairs from your office, that's a gift from God! Congrats!

annush said...

oh btw if you want/need weight-loss help/guidance/info/support don't hesitate to ask. In my past life i seem to have been a nutritionist/personal trainer so I help my friends with their weight-loss plans all the time :)

Bracuta said...

Annush girl, I'm beyond any help. A few years ago I used to be a slim 125 lb chick. Believe me, modestia aparte, I was "da bomb"... today, I'm not even close to the person I once was. I've tried everything (nutritionists, Atkins, diets, you name it, I've done it> Lo utlimo que me falta es el gastric bypass surgery y le tengo un chin de miedo), and so far nothing has worked. It's a bit frustrating, but I am hopeful that I will go back to what I once was.
I'm going to take your word and ask for help when I need it!